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An IRA Maximization is a wealth transfer strategy that allows your clients to reposition the value of their IRA in a more tax-efficient manner. When done properly, distributions from an IRA fund a life insurance policy, helping to manage their tax liability and maximize the amount that passes to your client’s beneficiaries free of income […]
Qualified Plan Maximization
By using an asset repositioning strategy in which your client’s taxable assets are reduced or replaced with life insurance, they may be able to minimize or avoid the effects of these taxes. By taking more distributions from your clients’ IRAs or qualified plan accounts, you can leverage these larger distributions outside of the estate by […]
Non-Qualified Deferred Comp
Retirement income ranks second to health insurance as the most-sought-after benefit. An important business strategy for you may be to help the key players in your business find ways to save additional dollars for retirement. Such value-added benefits could help tie them to your business and help you succeed. When determining their future employment strategies, […]
Muni Max
Municipal bonds, purchased to help finance a community’s public projects, may be used to enhance a legacy. Holders of muni-bonds may wish to increase the legacy to heirs from a muni-bond portfolio without affecting it’s value to children or grandchildren. Read more about this concept.
Life Insurance As An Asset Class
Leveraging Never Money to fund life insurance can ensure a lasting legacy for families or charities. Read more about this concept.
Annuity Maximization
Using this solution, life insurance with an LTC rider, shows your client how repositioning an annuity is a great way to maximize the amount you can use for an LTC event or pass along to heirs. Read more about this concept.
Are Your Policies Still Performing?
Have you reviewed your life insurance policies in the last two years? Often client circumstances change, resulting in a need to update or increase coverage. Help you clients stay protected. Read more about the benefit of reviewing your existing policies